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How Star Wars Can Continue After The Rise of Skywalker?

The saga of Skywalker might come to an end with the Rise of Skywalker, and the question now arises is there any other option to continue the franchise. Star Wars is the biggest of franchise movies in the world and has entertained the people for so long. Now, the question arises what Disney will do to get the success repeat and to make itself active in the movie market.


Source:- How Star Wars Can Continue After The Rise of Skywalker?

Here are options which Disney could opt to continue the Star Wars:-

Production of Non- Film content

Disney can focus on creating non-movie content, which may include novels, comics, and video games with enhanced quality. There would be no point if Disney rushed to make a new film that could repeat the success and glory of Star trilogy. It can even focus on developing content for comics with their impressive storyline. It can also make Star Wars alive in the form of video games as Jedi: Fallen order is an excellent example of such one, which was liked by both critics and fans.

Focusing on Television shows

Disney can focus on making and releasing more and more television shows with excellent quality, which could appeal to the people at large. Disney can see the example of The Mandalorian, The Cassian, etc. and a decent television series could quench the thirst of Star Wars fandom.

Filling in the gaps

There were several moments, incidents, and characters that were left abandoned and unresolved while making the movies. Disney can use such unresolved events and abandoned characters to create a new story that could allure the people. Disney can explore the exploits of Palpatine and Darth Plagueis, along with exploring the rise and fall of Maul and Crimson Dawn to form other original stories.

Exploring the potential of Criminal underworld

Disney can venture into the world of savage criminals that exist all over the galaxy and busy in smuggling and making the life of people hell. The potential of these criminals living across the galaxy could be explored beautifully to create new and fresh content.

Force users should not be in focus

Disney can use the force users, but most probably, it should keep them away from the main focus if they really want to make movies and want it to get successful. Disney can use the potential of force users in some other way in movie making.

Delving deep into the Force

George Lucas has revealed his intentions to explore into the world of Force and to create a new story, which is going to be an exciting thing to watch in the coming years in the movie made by Disney. Disney is all set to present a new avenue and storyline by exploring the world of macrobiotic as Whills.

Focusing on the Sith

The lords and ladies are mighty and are master of Force technique, which is very powerful. These dark lords of Sith, along with the ladies, are another name of fascination and terror. They have immense potential and fighting skills. Disney can wonderfully use the lineage of Sith and can introduce them in the form of a new and original story.

The rise of Jedi

Disney needs to explore more into the concept of Jedi as they have been shown in the film as extremely wise and the keepers of the peace. Jedis have lightsabers and code, and also they are mighty in the Force. They defended the republic and democracy, and Disney can bring a new story by exploring the source of their origin.

Venturing into the Old Republic

Disney and Lucasfilm can create original content based on the knights of the old republic and can use simple foundations from the legends which are still existing. The ideas revolving around the old republic and living legends could be used beautifully and can be presented not only in the form of books, video games, and TV shows but also in the way of a good movie.

Giving another chance to the story of characters

Disney could experiment with the story of characters of Star wars individually and present them in the form of good movies. If such a film is backed by good marketing and beautifully promoted, then such a film will perform well at the box office.

Chloe Decker is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, and new media. She writes for Norton security products at